What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medical science that originated over five thousand years ago. This oldest medical system not only heals the sick but also helps healthy people by recommending a customized diet, lifestyle, seasonal regimes, exercise, breathing techniques and many simple natural remedies. Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that describes people as a combination of body, mind and soul. Today, this knowledge has become popular worldwide because it is universal, simple, easy to practice and effective.

Wiedza ajurwedyjska opiera się na zasadzie naturalnej równowagi w ciele i harmonii z otoczeniem. Ludzie są postrzegani jako integralna część ich siedlisk – a nie jako odrębna istota od świata przyrody. Zatem osAyurvedic knowledge is based on the principle of natural balance in the body and harmony with the environment. Humans are seen as an integral part of their natural habitats – not as an entity separate from natural world. Thus, achieving and maintaining balance in body, mind and external environment is the ultimate goal of Ayurveda. Living in harmony with nature and in accordance with natural principles will ensure physical health, peace of mind and spiritual well-being.

Ayurveda is also sometimes called the mother of medicine – as one of the oldest healing systems, in 1979 it was officially recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the systems of health and therapy. It has been taught at Indian universities for one hundred years.

Ajurweda daje indywidualne, a nie generalne kryteria dla utrzymania zdrowia. Każda istota ludzka jest Ayurveda gives individual, instead of general criteria for preserving health. Every human being is unique, therefore, for an Ayurvedic practitioner, healthcare is always about the person, not the disease as such.

The meaning of Ayurveda

As an ancient science, the Sanskrit language may not be familiar to you. As Sanskrit words do not always have a direct equivalent in English, it is recommended to keep their original meanings.
The original term AYURVEDA consists of two words: Ayur and Veda.
Understanding the meaning of both is important to understand the principles of Ayurveda.

Definicja Ayu

The English interpretation of Ayu is life. In the Vedic context, the definition of life is broader than the usual chronological life expectancy. It does not mean the age of a given person – the number of years of life on earth measured from birth up to the present moment.
Ayu is much more – it is a life force. This combination includes:

  • physical body
  • mind
  • the senses
  • soul

These four components altogether are responsible for maintaining life in the body. If one of the above factors is absent, we cannot say that the life exists. All beings on Earth have a physical body, but the fact if they also have mind, senses, and soul determines whether they are alive.
We are all a combination of body, mind, senses and soul. So it can be concluded that Ayurveda is knowledge of the human system. This is an instruction manual about people. Since human beings are the same all over the world, Ayurveda applies to all of them and is universal.

Definition of Vedas

Veda is a Sanskrit word which means knowledge or science.
Chociaż wiedza wedyjska pochodzi z Indii, nie oznacza to, że ta informacja ma znaczenie tylko dla oAlthough Vedic knowledge comes from India, this does not mean that the information is only relevant to the citizens of that subcontinent. Knowledge is a universal resource of the mankind – it is not limited to a given region. Vedic information can be used by anyone anywhere in the world.

Two goals of Ayurveda

  1. Preserving the health of those who are healthy.
    This aspect includes specific diet and nutrition, hygiene, lifestyle, stabilization techniques, exercise, as well as mind-relaxing techniques. Following these guidelines enables a healthy person to stay healthy and extend their life.
  2. To cure the diseases of sick people.
    Various diseases, their causes, diagnostics, countermeasures and therapies to heal and this way prevent relapse are described here.
    While the two goals are interconnected and are complex areas themselves, the main goal of Ayurveda is to maintain your health right from the start.


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